To encourage Setiawangsa communities to use less single-use plastics, YB Nik Nazmi distributed tiffin carrier to visitors of Bazar Ramadan Setiawangsa. Let’s bring our own container when buying food outside. Refuse and reduce single-use plastics
Initiatives by DBKL towards carbon neutral 2050
DBKL has earmarked Setiawangsa and Wangsa Maju as pilot locations to achieve carbon neutral in Kuala Lumpur. DBKL has installed solar LED lights at cycling lane along Sungai Bunus, installing solar panel at bus stops, extending pedestrian walkways, and many others.
Solar PV Rooftop to power AEON
The corporates in Setiawangsa are aggressively supporting sustainability initiatives. AEON has installed 1,792.4 kWp of solar panel at AEON Big Wangsa Maju and 1,943.5 kWp solar panel at AEON Mall AU2. These are expected to reduce carbon emission by 3,175 tonnes every year.